Mrs Clair Denman
Assistant Headteacher
Head of Sixth Form
When you join us you will be looked after by a team of Sixth form staff who are keen to help you realise your potential across the five terms that make up this critical phase in your education. We aim to maximise your development over these months to build the independence and effectiveness that will bring you successful outcomes and prepare you for what comes next, whether your ambition leads you to be an undergraduate, apprentice or in your first job.

You will be offered excellent academic experiences, challenge and support; but also the chance to love Sixth Form life through a wealth of extra-curricular activities from employability skills, to sport, to residential trips; and the chance to contribute to the lives of others as the most senior students in our community.
I look forward to working with you.
Ask me about:
Sixth Form Entrance; how to choose your courses, what you’ll need to start them and how to succeed once in the Sixth Form
Academic expectations and Support; how you can give yourself the best chance of success
Your learning experience as a Sixth Form Student; working with your teaching teams to ensure you have a positive experience in your final years at Oriel.
Mrs Pippa Bates
Deputy Head of Sixth Form
While you are in Sixth Form we will offer you a range of opportunities to learn about what to do when you leave! My aim is to help you make an informed decision. If you decide to go to university I will then make sure you make a great application and get to the university of your choice.
My role is also to help you adjust to the demands of Sixth Form life be it adapting to the new freedoms or learning how to meet the academic expectations of your teachers.

I look forward to welcoming you to our Sixth Form.
Ask me about:
Academic Support and Behaviour/Sanctions; what we expect and what you can expect from us in return
University Pathways and School Leaver Programmes
Mr Simon Withell
Assistant Head of Sixth Form
There are many ways that you can enhance your Sixth Form experience at Oriel. You may want to gain an extra qualification and important project planning and research skills by taking an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) in Year 13. Oriel Sixth Form believes in supporting local and national charities and frequently raises money through fundraising events, organised by our excellent Student Leadership team. We encourage Sixth Form students to contribute to our school and wider community in a variety of ways, so make sure you share all your great ideas!
I support the Director of Learning for SEND in ensuring that our Sixth Form students receive the necessary support, both in and outside of their lessons.
My role also supports you if you are planning to apply for employment, an apprenticeship or a School Leaver Programme, and if you want to gain work experience and employability skills.
Ask me about:
Apprenticeship Pathways and School Leaver Programmes
Senior Student Leadership roles; how you can get involved in the wider life of the school
Miss Chloe MacRae
Pastoral Coordinator for Sixth Form
Ask me about:
General Guidance and Pastoral Support; how to succeed and thrive in the 6th form
Mr Ross Thornton
Careers Advisor and Work-Related Learning Administrator
Ask me about:
Work Experience Opportunities, Apprenticeships and Careers Advice
Sixth Form Tutors
Christian Cottingham, Subject Leader Media Studies and Politics
Jim Smith, Teacher of History and Politics
Hilary Glentworth, Deputy Head of Humanities
Pippa Creese, Teacher of PE and Sport & Exercise Science
Gareth Creese, Teacher of Science
Andy Bairsto, Teacher of Computer Science and ICT
Hannah Ashleigh Morris, Teacher of PE and Sport
Vicky Besley, Teacher of PE and Sport
Tom Freeman, Teacher of Psychology and PE
Meg Sayfoo, Teacher of Business
Michelle Vickers, Subject Leader Health & Social Care
Nicola Barnes, Teacher of RE
Wayne Taylor, Teacher of Business
Avril Carr, MedSoc, Medical Applications Coach
Shamira Holmes, Oxbridge Applications Coach
Thinking of joining us?
Please view our Sixth Form Admissions page for more details