Medical Information
The First Aid Room exists to provide initial assistance or treatment to a person who is injured or suddenly taken ill during the school day.

The First Aid room should not be seen as a point of reference for pupils with ongoing medical conditions or injuries/illnesses that have occurred out of school. In this respect, the First Aid room should not be seen or used as an alternative to or extension of a GP surgery, health clinic or hospital. In line with Government Guidelines, we would ask that pupils are not sent to school when they are clearly unwell or infectious.

If a student is suffering from sickness and diarrhoea they should be kept off school for 48 hours. However if the sickness is due to heat, migraine or anxiety and not a bug, if the parent feels they are well enough they can return to school sooner.

Depending on what the accident/illness is, primarily we will try to manage it in school. If a student is unwell and is unable to remain in school, the First Aider will contact a parent/carer to come and collect the student. The designated lead first aiders (Mrs Zablocka & Mrs Riley) are the only people who can authorise a pupil going home unwell. All students who need to go home have to be collected from the main reception at school by an appropriate adult.  Students should not contact a parent directly for collection from school without prior agreement from Mrs Zablocka.

The First Aid room is equipped to deal with most basic first aid requirements.

The designated first aider’s hours are 8am – 4pm (Mon – Thurs) and 8am – 3.30pm (Friday). The First Aid Room is open within these times. Students are made aware that any non-emergency visits to the First Aid room should be made at break and lunchtimes and the First Aid room will always be staffed during these times.

Students should only be referred during lesson times in an emergency. If a student requires first aid during a lesson, they must attend with a note written in their planner by the class teacher with the Class Teachers name on, to authorise the pupil being out of a lesson and the time they were allowed out of the lesson. No pupil will be seen without a note in his or her planner from the class teacher.

There are additional staff within school, who are qualified first aiders and available to support the designated First Aiders should the need arise.

Information on Entry

Parents/Carers have primary responsibility for their child’s health. When students begin at Oriel High School, parents are required to complete a medical form informing the school of any known medical conditions. If your child has a specific medical condition and is under the care of a hospital or Specialist then it is useful to include school in any communication to enable school to fully support your child. This information is stored confidentially both in a paper file and on the school network in a secure area inaccessible to students.

Changes to Medical History

It is vital that the school is kept up to date of any changes to a child’s health with immediate effect, preferably in writing and always from a parent/carer or health professional.


Liaison with specialist and dedicated external agencies will take place if required to ensure the needs of the individual are met.

Teaching Staff

All staff are kept informed of any pupils in school with existing medical conditions – photo boards of the relevant pupils are kept in staff areas across the school and in the main staff room. The medical information is also stored centrally on SIMS. This information is treated confidentially.


Please click below to see the Medicines in School policy

HPV & Teenage Booster Vaccination Programme

In Year 8/9 female students are invited to participate in the HPV (Human papillomavirus) Programme. This is one of the routine childhood immunisations offered by the NHS. This vaccination is given to protect girls against the two types of human papillomavirus that cause most cases (over 70%) of cervical cancer.

All students in Year 9 are invited to participate in the teenage booster vaccination programme. Also known as, the 3-in-1 or the Td/IPV vaccine is given to boost protection against 3 separate diseases: tetanus, diphtheria and polio.  It is routinely given at Oriel High School (In Year 9) alongside the MenACWY vaccine to prevent meningitis and septicaemia.

The Immunisation Team come into school to administer the vaccinations.

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations will be taking place on Friday 4th July 2025.

Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio Vaccinations will be taking place on Thursday 13th February 2025.


Flu Vaccinations will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd October 2024.

Meningitis ACWY Vaccinations will be taking place on Thursday 13th February 2025.

Is my child too ill for school?

It can be difficult to know if your child is too ill for school.  Please see advice from the NHS that may help you decide.

Temporary Use of Crutches/Wheelchairs

If your son/daughter is required to have crutches/a wheelchair for any length of time while she is in school, following an injury/ongoing medical condition, and on the advice of a medical practitioner, please inform either the designated first aiders or Learning Community pastoral team in advance of your child attending school.

This is to ensure appropriate support can be put in place following a Health and Safety Risk Assessment and guidance given on what to do in the event of an Emergency Evacuation/Fire Drill.

School Uniform

Students should have a doctor’s note if they need to wear alternative footwear to school due to a medical condition or serious injury.  The uniform dress requirements will meet the needs of individual students because of temporary or permanent medical conditions. For example, students with foot or leg injuries may be unable to wear school shoes. An official medical certificate will be required for any student requiring long-term dispensation due to medical conditions.

Prescribed and Non-Prescribed Medication

Parent consent is required for the administration of prescribed and non-prescribed medication.  Consent forms are below.  These must be returned to school, FAO Mrs Zablocka