Welcome to the Oriel Careers page where students, parents, teachers and employers will find useful information about careers at Oriel and how to get in touch with us.
At Oriel High School, we recognise that our students are making decisions about what to do post 16 in an increasingly challenging and changing employment/education landscape. We aim to give them as much support in preparation for their decisions on what to do post 16/18 as possible, and we are committed to offering our students high quality and impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). It is our aim that students access this information and guidance throughout their time at Oriel, and particularly at key transition points in their school career in years 7-11 and the Sixth Form. We aim to give students the knowledge, understanding and skills to plan and manage their progression through all stages of learning and into working life, giving our students impartial advice and guidance about all future options, not just academic pathways.

Oriel High School and staff members in the careers team are on the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. This demonstrates that as a school, we are committed to using qualified professionals in a career development subject (to a minimum of L6), and that we adhere to the CDI Code of Ethics. The Register is a UK wide point of reference for ensuring and promoting the professional status of career practitioners across the whole sector to other members of the profession, students, parents and employers. As such, careers guidance at Oriel High School will either be delivered by our Careers Leader Mr Svoboda (L7 RCDP) or our L6 Careers development Professional.
Oriel conducts an extensive, outstanding careers programme and is committed to the Gatsby Benchmarks. Oriel is embarking upon the completion of the Quality in Careers Award, as a way of gaining recognition for our outstanding provision.
If you would like to check out our policies and provisions of careers guidance, please click the link below to take you to the latest policies.
If you are a parent/carer, employer, student, teacher or further educational training provider needing more information or help, or want to work with us and help deliver outstanding careers interactions and events for our students, please do not hesitate to contact us on the details below:
Careers Leader and Careers Development Professional (RCDP), PE and DT Teacher
Mr O Svoboda – osvoboda@oriel.w-sussex.sch.uk
I am responsible for overseeing the careers programme across the whole school. I plan and run many trips and activities to deliver our Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) learning to all year groups. I will also meet many students during one-one guidance sessions at key points of their school journey. Please contact me if you are a parent needing more support; a student in need of advice; a company looking to engage with the school, or a teacher in need of support with careers learning in your subject.

Level 6 Careers Development Professional (RCDP)
Mr N Preston – npreston@oriel.w-sussex.sch.uk
Having retired from the Police Service in 2016 I had been looking for an opportunity to contribute to the development of our future workforce, which led me to become an apprentice careers advisor with Oriel. I have over 40 years work experience, predominantly in the military and police, but I have also worked in the private sector. I started my apprenticeship in January 2023, and I am now a qualified Level 6 Careers Development Professional. I provide Professional, Impartial and Informed Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) across all year groups at Oriel. I don’t have the additional responsibilities of being a teacher, which gives me more time to be able to support parents and students in making their choices, building strong working relationships with local employers and support colleagues.

Careers Administrator
Mr R Thornton – rthornton@oriel.w-sussex.sch.uk
I am the Careers Administrator, and I am based in the Sixth Form. I am primarily responsible for organising our Work Experience programme for both Year 10 and Year 12 students but will be the main point of contact for correspondence.
Additionally, I organise other careers events such as our annual Speed Careers Day for Year 7 and Year 9, the mock interviews for Year 10, which take place during activities week, and the Dare to Dream initiative for Year 9. I also organise the careers guidance meetings which are held with students in Years 7 – 11 and Sixth Form.

Year 10 Work Experience
Please find below information and advice regarding Year 10 Work Experience placements.
Oriel High School Official Business Partners
Oriel works closely with many companies to ensure students have access to first hand experiences of the workplace, and benefit from employer engagement in a multitude of ways during their time with us. Some of those companies have kindly agreed to work closer with us and provide even greater levels of support, expertise and time and become our Official Business Partners. We are proud to announce that the employers listed below, have committed to this partnership and will be working with Oriel to enable our students to access a wealth of opportunities and experiences other schools do not have. These businesses will be working with students in different year groups at various times throughout their time at Oriel. We are looking to expand our partnerships even further and discussions are currently taking place, with the view to announcing new business partners joining the scheme.
Oriel Careers Programme
Our careers education programme is structured to follow the eight ‘Gatsby Benchmarks’ for good careers guidance, which is part of the DfE’s statutory requirement for all schools to adopt and implement. The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance, developed to support secondary schools and colleges in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice, and guidance.
Throughout their time with Oriel, and when specific to their needs depending upon their year group, students will experience a range of careers related activities which meet each of these Benchmarks:
Activities include a range different events including (but not limited to): personal guidance, mock interviews, assessment centre workshops, WEX, specific work related trips, visits from guest speakers relating to specific professions and linked to subjects, networking and information events for both apprenticeships and educational pathways, key employment skills workshops, careers related trips and visits to apprenticeship fairs, universities and further education colleges, and the Oriel Future Fair.
Below is the current Careers guidance programme and how we achieve each of the Benchmarks. The careers programme is constantly being modified, reviewed and added to, to build a comprehensive range of careers related activities for all our students. The programme is designed to inspire, stimulate, prepare and give more knowledge to students for their future pathway.
Parents, Students, Businesses and Teachers
Should you have any feedback on our programme, please click the link below whereby you will be directed to a Microsoft forms page where you can let us know what you think, how it could be improved, or you can offer assistance in providing more activities or events. Students are given a chance to feedback on the programme during their time at school using the Future Skills Questionnaires.
Business Feedback
Oriel High School Careers Guidance Programme
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term | |
All Years | Mentor time and tutor time (sixth form) Careers Videos, Virtual WEX videos and career of the week and tasks linked to Unifrog. Parental newsletters detailing Careers activities and opportunities for students and parents to sign up to. Careers Notice boards around school showing latest information and opportunities and career of the week Oriel Careers Twitter and LinkedIn highlighting school trip opportunities, apprenticeships, scholarships, university and FE college open days, information on events, General/subject specific trips and visits open to all years relating to various industries or careers, advertised through mentor messages/Twitter and letters to specific classes or cohorts. Careers discussions in lessons helping students to understand the link between what they learn and the world of work. Visiting speakers to inspire educate and illuminate students to different careers. These could be whole year group or to specific targeted groups of students, based on interests or backgrounds. Subject specific trips to businesses and places of work. |
Year 7 | Initial One-One Personal Guidance Meetings | Initial One-One Personal Guidance Meetings 'Speed Networking' event with education/training providers and employers | |
Year 8 | Gatwick STEM EV Activity | Finance work with the University of Surrey Gatwick STEM EV Activity | |
Year 9 | One-One careers meeting with advisor Dare to Dream Programme with all students, including small mentoring programme | One-One careers meeting with advisor KS4 Options events and information to parents and students, in school and online 'Speed Networking' event with education/training providers and employers Careers/Post 16 and options workshops in-school | Preparing for Success days with Elevator Pitches |
Year 10 | PSHCE lessons on careers and future pathways | Assembly on Work Experience and preparing to find it | PSHCE Lessons preparing for Work Experience Work Experience - 3 days World of Work 3 day programme of speakers, virtual interactions, tasks and courses, including virtual WEX for students who do not secure a placement - 3 days Mock interviews - 20 minute in-person interviews with business representatives, with time for feedback Assembly on training and educational opportunities at 16 in our local area, by colleges and apprenticeship providers FE visits and open days |
Year 11 | One-One Personal Guidance Meetings Post 16 Sixth Form Open Evening Oriel Community Futures fair Trip to the UK University and Apprenticeship Search fair at the Amex Stadium Group trips/visits to FE colleges and alternative curriculum providers Assembly and tutor group opportunities to help with options | Apprenticeship Week opportunities Group trips/visits to FE colleges and alternative curriculum providers | |
Year 12 | Post 18 Assembly - apprenticeships and university Careers Notice Boards around school | Small Group Sessions: future education, training and employment options Higher Education Fair National Apprenticeship Show, Sandown Apprenticeship Week opportunities Options to meet up with Speed Networking event guests from education/training providers and employers Oxford and Cambridge trips Work Experience week | Small Group Sessions: future education, training and employment options One-One Personal Guidance meetings Personal Statement and CV sessions Money Matters - careers day challenge UCAS workshops and tutor help with personal statement |
Year 13 | Post 18 Assembly Apprenticeships workshops HE and Higher Apprenticeship Applications Assembly on all options Personal Statement and application one to ones | One to One careers meeting with advisor for those still unsure on what to do National Apprenticeship Show, Sandown - for those not going to University Option to meet up with Speed Networking guests from education/training providers and employers |
Parent and Student
Oriel and the benchmarks. What can my child expect to receive in relation to the benchmarks?
Oriel is lucky to have 3 full time staff working within Careers, with different careers specific qualifications and members of the CDI. This is unusual in a school of our size and normally only available in colleges. We review, adapt and modify the programme each year, continually striving to improve our networks of employers and the opportunities we can provide for our students.
Years 7-13 have access to the latest LMI by using Unifrog (an online platform) which the school buys each year. Throughout their time at school, students will be exposed to different professions and employers from the local area, and as a result will learn first-hand about local job opportunities. Year 9 has lessons dedicated to exploring their futures and during these sessions, will be given information on where to find out additional labour market information. Year 11, 12 and 13 receive this information in one-to-one meetings or through tutor time. As parents or students, you can also use the links on these pages to help gain even more information.
Each student will be seen multiple times by a careers coach/advisor, and they will be able to tailor each interaction to suit the needs of the individual, related to their specific point in school life. There is the opportunity to take part in various trips during their time with us, and each trip has different aims. Some trips are aimed at specific groups of students, other will have a range of career opportunities to explore, no matter what pathway the student thinks might be of interest to them. Guests will be invited into school regularly to speak with students, and we are continually expanding our portfolio of partner companies and individuals to cover a large spectrum of industries.
In lessons, pupils are encouraged to think about career fields that the subject they are studying could lead to. This is conveyed through teacher talks on careers related to the subject; dedicated careers notice boards in each department; careers related starter activities or homework set to help students understand the careers options within the subject; mini project work in school, either run by teachers or external businesses; key employability skills highlighted and identified based on the different activities.
Trips and guest speakers are being developed in different subject areas to highlight the importance and relationship of what the students are learning, and how these relate to real work scenarios.
Increasing encounters with employers is one of our main aims. Students will have a minimum of one encounter with an employer in each year of their studies at Oriel High School. Most students will have multiple encounters in the form of trips and visits, employers working with them in school and work experience in year 10 and 12. We are constantly looking to expand our provision of trip and visiting speakers, again to meet the needs and interests of all students. Pupils will all meet employers and gain feedback directly from them after taking part in mock interviews and elevator pitches.
Oriel believes that a formal work experience is vital in helping to shape student perceptions of the workplace. It can make lifelong memories and students can develop and use key employability skills in real scenarios. Students in year 10 will go to work for a minimum of 3 days and students in year 12 will go out to work for one week. These experiences are vitally important in developing their ability to conduct themselves in the professional world. It is the development of these key skills which we place importance on. In year 10 the work experience can be related to a future career path or interest or not, whereas in year 12 we encourage the placement to be related to what they wish to pursue at university or as a career. These experiences benefit our students over others who may have none, thus increasing their chances of being hired. For some students, the work experience has also led to offers of full time/holiday employment, or at the least has increased their professional network of people who may prove useful to them in their search for employment in the future.
Oriel is keen to highlight different academic pathways in addition to all the work-related pathways. During a student’s time at Oriel, they will have multiple opportunities to meet with colleges, universities and further education providers. We are aware that not all students will go on to study at our sixth form, and we pride ourselves on the impartiality of our advice and guidance, recognising that each student potentially has different pathways in education. We invite such providers into school to talk with year groups and we run trips to local colleges and universities. During their time at school, your child will have been exposed to and experienced firsthand, what being on a university campus/ college campus is like.
At Oriel High School, CEIAG begins in year 7. We are fortunate to be able to offer one-one guidance meetings and group sessions, strategically placed throughout their time at school. All students will receive a minimum of three guidance meetings with an L6 or higher, professionally qualified, impartial careers advisor, who is a member of the CDI. Meetings start in year 7, then they have one in year 9 (before option choices); there is one in year 11 (before college applications) and one in year 12 before university or apprenticeship applications need to be completed. There is the opportunity for one in year 13 if required still. We will also provide one-one meetings for our students who have additional needs at key points in their time at school or before annual reviews. We also provide group sessions in lesson time at key transitional points (before year 9 options in March).
Helping a child with their options or future pathways is yet another job a parent/carer is supposed to be able to cope with, on top of the daily schedule. For many of us, it was a long time since we were at school and the educational landscape has shifted dramatically, with new types of qualifications, apprenticeships being available in more career fields than ever before and up to degree level and a rise in Higher Education providers, not to mention the cost of studying at university. On this page you will find some links and information to help you navigate and make sense of the changes.
Oriel Careers Newsletters
Oriel sends out regular letters to parents detailing the upcoming activities relating to careers in the different year groups. We also send home opportunities letters with details of events, sessions, webinars and other opportunities our students can take up to help them gain more employability skills and experiences.
Please see below for the latest newsletters from Oriel Careers
Unifrog – The universal destinations platform
Unifrog is accessible by all students. It is a complete platform including information on all pathways, whether that is to university or to an apprenticeship or college. It has a careers library for students who have no idea what they want to be and has tools to use like the CV builder. It has tests available to narrow down careers of interest, and it has online courses that students can complete to help bolster their CV or university application.
The Unifrog homepage is linked above, and to get in, students need to use their school email address. Rest password if they have not logged in before or have forgotten it, then check their school email and reset it from there.
Unifrog is also used when completing work experience and is a crucial element in the communication between the employer and the school regarding health and safety.
Useful Websites
Below are some useful links which we have grouped into categories to make it easier for you to navigate. Each site has useful tools in helping your student find their next steps.
Success at School: Careers Advice for Schools and Students
EarlyCareers.co.uk | UK’s Early Careers Marketplace
Student Resource Hub (uptree.co)
Find Resources & Course Providers in your local area – Course Pilot
Shortlist.me | Empowering Future Stars in Education and Workforce
AIS PAL | Provider Access Legislation – AIS sub-site
Higher & Degree Listing – Amazing Apprenticeships
School Leaver Jobs | AllAboutSchoolLeavers
Higher and Degree Vacancy Listing January 2025
Parents and Partners – what’s available | The Student Room – Look here for information on student finance
Downloadable 2023/24 University Guide
University Events for schools | UniTasterDays
Oriel High School GCSE and Sixth Form options
We are actively working with lots of companies already and are keen to foster and develop new working relationships with companies, both local and national. We would like to be able to offer our students the broadest range of companies to learn from, to reflect our comprehensive nature. We currently work with over 50 companies each year, and this number is expanding year on year. Companies can get involved in lots of different activities to make a difference in our student’s lives, from interview practice, to sector specific talks, to work experience.
Volunteering and helping at one of our events is a great way for companies to increase their brand visibility to the local future work force. Many of our students move onto employment as a direct result of the interactions they have had with employers during their time with us. By building these relationships, we can help you find new talent or casual/PT workers who can help secure recruitment needs.
A common theme for employers who visit, is the understanding of the difference they are making in our student’s lives. Many comment how when they were young, they didn’t have anything like this, and it would have been great to have this when making decisions about future pathways. A couple of Oriel Careers aims are to develop an assessment centre activity for a year group and explore how AI is taking over the recruitment process. It would be great to connect with companies who use these methods in recruitment and discuss how we could begin to educate our students about them. If you would like to become one of the many companies already working with us and think you can offer more to the existing programme, or even something new, then please do get in touch with Mr Svoboda, who would be happy to hear from you.