Student Voice
“All the pupils we spoke to said that they feel safe in school. They said that bullying is rare and they know it will be dealt with if it happens. They really appreciate the pastoral coordinators who help them to sort out any problems. Pupils say that they like being in mixed-age mentor groups because the older pupils look out for the younger ones.” – Ofsted, 2019

Oriel High School has an effective Student Voice led by a hard-working and dedicated Student Headship Team. This team of six students including a head boy and head girl and four deputies. They are appointed following an application and selection process by the outgoing Student Headship Team and the Headteacher. They represent the students of the school both internally and in formal engagements outside of school.

The Student Headship Team work closely with the Headteacher to determine areas of priority for development within the student population. There are four deputies because each of the deputies leads the student voice for one of the four learning communities. Each learning community council has representation from each of the mentor groups in the learning community. Ideas, matters raised, concerns are discussed by the Student Headship Team in their own meetings and form the agenda for the regular meetings with the Headteacher. The Head Boy and Head Girl also attend the Governing Body’s Teaching and Learning Committee meetings to provide feedback on plans as well as matters raised by the students. The Head Boy and Head Girl represent the school at events such as the Open Evening and address the families attending the Headteacher’s presentation.

Student Headship Team for 2024/25:

Every mentor group elects two students to be the channel of communication between the student population as a whole and the Student Council. They meet in their Learning Community every half term in meetings led by their elected representatives, and a deputy head boy/girl.

This system enables all students to have a clear voice in consultations about whole school issues initiated by the Student Headship Team. It also ensures that the lines of communication are a two way process; Mentor Group discussions can result in important issues being raised quickly with the Student Council and the Student Headship Team and, where appropriate, brought to the attention of the SLT of the School.