Course Full Title: A Level Politics
Exam Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: 9PLO

Why study Politics?
We are living through unprecedented times. Since 2016, things have been unstable in the West, particularly in the UK and USA. The Coronavirus pandemic has only added to that. The main reason why people study politics is because they want to understand how and why people in positions of power do what they do. That’s what it’s all about – power. Politics used to be seen as boring. Not anymore. The numbers of students opting to take A Level and degree level Politics has dramatically increased nationwide since 2016 because they want to know why society in Britain [and the USA] has become so polarised and divided. We’ve all heard or had arguments about Brexit or Trump. This course will help you to understand how this all came about and give you clues as to what the future may hold.
The course will allow you to explore the nature of politics and how people engage in the political processes in the UK and USA. You will analyse and evaluate comparative politics between the British and American governments, finding similarities and differences between their structures, processes and systems. You will also have a chance to examine the benefits and disadvantages of a wide range of political ideologies that underpin and are present in the world today. Studying politics at Oriel will allow you to find and refine your ‘political voice’, as well as give you opportunities to strengthen your ability to argue in a range of political discourses.

What will I study over the two years?
Paper 1: UK Politics and Ideologies [Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism]
Paper 2: Governing the UK and Ideologies [Nationalism]
Paper 3: US Politics [and comparison with the UK system].
What makes a good Politics student?
Independent research skills, keeping up to date with the news, an enquiring mind, and a flair for debate.
Where could Politics take me?
Students who have studied politics often go onto to have careers in the media, the civil service, pressure groups, think tanks, business, journalism and law.
What are the entrance requirements?
- Grade 5 or above in English Language
- 5 or more grades 5-9; including equivalents across at least 5 subjects
- Maths Grade 4 or above
- Average GCSE GRADE of at least 4.0 (average of ALL GCSE full courses taken)