Course Full Title: A Level Media
Exam Board: AQA
Specification Code: 7572

Why study Media?
We live at a time when the media is playing an ever-greater role in our lives, expanding our knowledge, dominating our work and our leisure and increasingly influencing our thinking and ideas. This is a course that will help you to understand how the media industries work, applying theory to contemporary and classic texts and developing your analytical and creative abilities extensively.
Through exploring debates such as the ethics of journalism, the rise of social networking and the shift towards a society as eager to create media as to consume it, you will gain a critical insight into some of the key issues of our age.
What will I study over the two years?
A Level Media engages students in the study of media products in relation to four areas of theory: media language, representation, industries and audiences. Students are required to study media products from all of the following media forms: television, film, radio, newspapers, magazines, advertising, online, social and participatory media, video games and music video.
The course is assessed through both examination and coursework, with the latter involving the production of media texts in response to a brief.
What makes a good Media student?
First and foremost, a fascination and engagement with media texts across a range of forms, and with how they – and the institutions which produce them – impact society. Beyond this a love for analysis, a tolerance for technology and a strong creative streak will get you through everything here!
Where could Media take me?
We’ve had students go on to journalism, to the television, radio and film industries, into advertising and into video game design, alongside the academic, education and research routes that Arts subjects typically feed into.
What are the entrance requirements?
- Grade 5 or above in Film Studies (or English if not studied)
- 5 or more grades 5-9; including equivalents across at least 5 subjects
- Maths and English Language Grade 4 or above
- Average GCSE GRADE of at least 4.0 (average of ALL GCSE full courses taken)