Course Full Title: A Level English Language
Exam Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: 9EN0

Why study English Language?
A Level English Language is a diverse course that explores the ways in which language is affected by factors such as gender, class, ethnicity and purpose. During the course, you will be given the opportunity to critically examine both spoken and written language as well as investigate an area of language that appeals to you. Alongside the analytical elements of English Language, you will also craft your own creative pieces, applying your knowledge of language to your own work.
Because we look at the social and cultural influences on language, English Language goes well with subjects like Politics, Media Studies, History, RS and Sociology. We also look at ideas about language and power, making this a good match with Law, and Child Language Acquisition, which goes well with Health and Social Care and Psychology.
What will I study over the two years?
You will study the following topics:
- Language & Identity: how personality, class, gender & ethnicity affects language use.
- Language Variation over Time: the origins of English and how it has changed.
- Language Acquisition: how children learn to speak, read and write.
- Creating & crafting language: composing texts for different audiences and functions.
- Language & Attitudes: exploring attitudes and controversial theories surrounding language use and development.
- Investigating Language: Study of the following topics: Gender, Global English, Regional Language Variation, Power, Journalism followed by individual research of one of these.
- Coursework: two pieces of creative writing in the same form but produced for different audiences and/or purposes along with a detailed analytical commentary.
What makes a good English Language student?
We are looking for students who want to explore language in more detail, who are curious and interested in the way language is used in the real world and who want to engage with debates about language.
Where could English Language take me?
Students who have studied English Language have gone on to study degrees in subjects such as Journalism, Anthropology, Psychology and Criminology. Studying English Language will help make you a more effective communicator, which is crucial for almost all occupations.
What are the entrance requirements?
- English Language Grade 5 or above
- 5 or more grades 5-9; including equivalents across at least 5 subjects
- Maths Grade 4 or above
- Average GCSE GRADE of at least 4.0 (average of ALL GCSE full courses taken)