Course Full Title: A Level Biology
Exam Board: Edexcel
Specification Code: 9BI0

Why study Biology?
A Level Biology will give you an exciting insight into the contemporary world of biology.
It covers the key concepts of biology in greater detail than GCSE, giving you a full understanding of the natural world around us. In Biology you will develop practical skills by planning experiments, collecting data, analysing experimental results and making conclusions. You will also learn how scientific models are developed, the applications and implications of science, the benefits and risks that science brings and the ways in which society uses science to make decisions.
Biology is a science at the forefront of some of the most exciting and controversial issues in the news today. Current publicity surrounding the global pandemic, plus genetic engineering, environmental and medical developments have highlighted the need for an understanding of such issues. Biology seeks to explore these areas of study to provide an appreciation of the living world.
The combination of academic challenge and practical focus makes the prospect of studying Biology highly appealing and the course a great challenge.
What will I study over the two years?
The course covers 10 discrete topics across the two year A Level covering the main themes of Biochemistry, Human Biology and Control Systems, Genetics, Ecology and Biodiversity. After studying these topics you will be in a position to specialise further in certain areas should you wish to further your study.
At the end of the course you will sit three external exams worth 100% of the final grade. You will also undertake a series of 16 core practical activities leading to a practical endorsement alongside the final A Level grade achieved. This component does not count towards the final grade however, does demonstrate to Universities and employers your practical abilities, and the theory of these practical’s are assessed within the exam papers, with a major focus in Paper 3.
What makes a good Biology student?
The most effective Biology students have a real interest in the subject, and first and foremost enjoy their lessons and independent study. Students that like to ask ‘how and why’ a Biological process occurs will find that they are motivated by the subject and achieve highly. There is a substantial amount of content to cover therefore good organisational and independent study skills are also very important.
Where could Biology take me?
Biology A Level is an excellent stepping stone to University courses such as Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Life Sciences, Forensic Science, Physiotherapy, Veterinary medicine, Biochemistry, Paramedical work, Nutrition, Ecology, Biology, Marine Biology, Sport Science, Food Science, Environmental Monitoring and the expanding field of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Biology is a facilitating subject and as such is highly thought of by Universities and employers alike, it will open doors to a wide variety of University courses and careers.
What are the entrance requirements?
- 2 x Grade 6 or above in Science
- 5 or more grades 5-9; including equivalents across at least 5 subjects
- Maths and English Language Grade 6 or above
- Average GCSE GRADE of at least 4.75 (average of ALL GCSE full courses taken)