Making curriculum choices in Year 9 is a very important part of your time in school. It is an opportunity for you to take control of your education and shape the way you want your future to be. The options you choose for Years 10 and 11 will affect how you spend your time at school for the next two years. The choices you make may also influence what course or job you decide to do after Year 11.
You now have fantastic opportunities available to you that will help you get the future that you want. Years 10 and 11 are not just about GCSEs. There are other qualifications such as BTECs as well. These qualifications are taught in different ways, and it may be that one type suits YOU more than others.
It is important to choose subjects that will interest you and motivate you. Spend some time thinking about what you enjoy doing, what keeps you interested in something and what makes you work hard. Remember that you are not alone in making these decisions, everyone in Year 9 is going through the same process. Teachers, friends, parents, carers and family will be able to guide advise and support you in this important decision making process.
Good reasons for choosing an option
- You are good at the subject
- You think you will enjoy the course
- It fits your career ideas and plans
- It goes well with your other choices
- It helps to give you plenty of choice post 16
- You think you might want to continue studying it post 16
- Your research shows that it will interest you and motivate you to learn.
Bad reasons for choosing an option
- Your friends have chosen it
- You think it will be easy
- You think it’s a good option for a boy/girl
- Someone else thinks it is a good idea
- You like the teacher you have now
- You did not have time to research your options properly
At Oriel we believe that education is not a ‘one size fits all’ system. We believe that all students need a curriculum which gives them a mix of academic, creative, practical and social skills to fit them for life in the fast moving world of the 21st century.
Important dates 2024-25
Key dates in the Year 9 Options process include:
- Issue of Options Guides & Y9 Assembly : Monday 3rd March 2025
- Issue of Information Videos and course information to parents: Monday 3rd March 2025
- Year 9 Options Evening : Thursday 13th March 2025
- Year 9 Parents Evening : Thursday 27th March 2025
- Deadline for Options choices : Friday 4th April 2025
Use the link below to submit your choices online