Subject Leader
Mr C Maynard –
Teaching Staff
Mrs K Wilding –
Ms C Dresser –
Mrs S Warren –
Mr T Ford –
Mr O Svoboda –
Mr G Creese –

“Design and Technology is about making things that work well. Creating these things is hugely exciting: it is an inventive fun activity.” – Sir James Dyson, Industrial designer, inventor and founder of Dyson
Subject Overview
The Design and Technology curriculum at Oriel High School provides opportunities for students to develop their capability, through combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to create quality products. This knowledge and understanding is taught specifically within Design and Technology lessons but crosses over closely with other curriculum areas such as Maths, Science, Business Studies, ICT and PDC. Design and Technology lessons also provide excellent opportunities for teamwork and for students to apply value judgments of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and technical nature in their designing and to existing products.
The Design and Technology department at Oriel High School consists of five members of teaching staff and two technicians. It is an incredibly well resourced department that boasts seven specialist Design and Technology rooms; three Resistant Materials workshops, two Catering/Food Technology rooms, a dedicated computer suite and a Textiles room. There is also a heat room within the Resistant Materials area of the department where students can braze, solder, MIG weld and sand cast metal.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Whilst in Years 7, 8 and 9 students study Design and Technology for two periods a fortnight on a carousel system and work with many different materials and technologies across the different Design and Technology disciplines in Resistant and Compliant Materials. Each carousel lasts approximately twelve weeks in which time they will be set four pieces of homework, be assessed on their practical outcomes and an end of unit test. The table below is an example of what students will study at Key Stage 3.
Textiles/Graphics | Product/Systems | Food Preparation and Nutrition | |
Year 7 | Tote Bag - A textiles project to create a custom designed and decorated bag | Bird Feeders – create custom designed and handmade pine bird feeders | Crudité and dip, Omelette, vegetable muffin pizzas, fruit fairy cakes, oaty biscuits |
Year 8 | Glow Light – creating a wooden light box with laser cut design on the front | Night Light Circuit – A colour changing LED circuit which turns on in the dark | Cheese twists, Pancakes, Scones, Halloumi vegetable skewers, Vegan Tomato pasta |
Year 9 | Clock – create a clock in a style of an iconic design movement | Recylced tea light holder - made from wood and recycled plastic taken from other projects we do. | Burger, Swiss roll, Fajitas, Fruit crumble, Macaroni cheese |
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
We have 4 courses available for pupils who wish to opt for a Design & Technology or Food option for years 10 and 11. There are 2 food options and 2 materials based D&T options, each taught over 5 hours per fortnight. The D&T GCSE is the perfect option for those who enjoy the freedom to come up with their own creative ideas and bring them to life. For pupils who particularly enjoy the practical side of D&T and want to learn more about using the larger machinery the department has to offer we have an Engineering course. In food we have the choice between the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE focusing on the science behind what we eat and the more vocational Hospitality and Catering Award.
Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE | |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
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Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 Award | |
Topic areas covered |
Unit 1 (Exam in Yr 11) | In this unit, you will learn about the different types of providers within the hospitality and catering industry, the legislation that needs to be adhered to and the personal safety of all of those involved in the business, whether staff or customers. You will learn about the operation of hospitality and catering establishments and the factors affecting their success. The knowledge and understanding you gain will enable you to respond to issues relating to all factors within the hospitality and catering section and provide you with the ability to propose a new provision that could be opened in a given location to benefit the owner and the local community. |
Unit 2 (Coursework) | In this unit you will gain knowledge of the nutritional needs of a range of client groups in order for you to plan nutritional dishes to go on a menu. You will learn and develop safe and hygienic food preparation, cooking and finishing skills required to produce nutritional dishes. |
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Design & Technology GCSE | |
Topic areas covered |
Mini projects |
Component 01: Principles of design and technology | This includes both the ‘core’ principles that all students must know, and ‘in-depth’ principles that are more specific to the materials or systems they have deeper practical and design experience of. Students should:
Component 02/03: Iterative design challenge | Central to this non-examined assessment is the requirement for learners to understand and apply processes of iterative designing in their design and technology practice: exploring needs, creating solutions and evaluating how well the needs have been met. This component does not limit the range of materials or processes a learner uses when developing their design solutions. Students produce a chronological portfolio and final prototype(s). This demonstrates their understanding and independent management of and skills in iterative designing, in particular:
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Engineering Manufacture Level 1/2 Award | |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
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Key Stage 5 Curriculum
Design Technology and Engineering
The Design and Technology options at Oriel Sixth Form are Product Design or Design Engineering. Both are taught over eight periods a fortnight. Design and Technology A Levels are awarded by the OCR exam board and consist of 2 examined units totalling 50% and a large non examined assessment also worth 50% where pupils have to design and make a product or prototype of their own.
In Year 12 and 13 students build on their learning from Key Stage 4 and further their knowledge and understanding on their chosen subject. The table below is an example of what students will study at Key Stage 5.
Product Design (H006) focuses on consumer products and applications and their analysis in respect of:
- Materials, components, process and their selection and uses in products and/or systems
- The selection and use of the above in industrial commercially viable products and practices.
Design Engineering (H004) focuses on engineered and electronic products/systems with their analysis in respect of:
- Function, operation, components and materials
- The selection and use of the above in commercially viable products and/or systems.
OCR Product Design/Design Engineering | |
Component 01: Principles of… |
Component 02: Problem solving in… |
Component 03/04: Iterative design project |
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Food Science and Nutrition
An understanding of food science and nutrition is relevant to many industries and job roles. Care providers and nutritionists in hospitals use this knowledge, as do sports coaches and fitness instructors. Hotels and restaurants, food manufacturers and government agencies also use this understanding to develop menus, food products and policies that that support healthy eating initiatives. Many employment opportunities within the field of food science and nutrition are available to graduates. This is an Applied General qualification. This means it is designed primarily to support learners progressing to university. It has been designed to offer exciting, interesting experiences that focus learning for 16 – 19 year old learners through applied learning, i.e. through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in purposeful, work-related contexts, linked to the food production industry.
Pupils must complete the 2 mandatory units and one of the two optional units.
Food Science and Nutrition | |
Unit 1 (Mandatory) | Meeting Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups The first mandatory unit will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the science of food safety, nutrition and nutritional needs in a wide range of contexts, and through on–going practical sessions, to gain practical skills to produce quality food items to meet the needs of individuals. |
Unit 2 (Mandatory) | Ensuring Food is Safe to Eat The second mandatory unit will allow learners to develop their understanding of the science of food safety and hygiene; essential knowledge for anyone involved in food production in the home or wishing to work in the food industry. Again practical sessions will support the gaining of theoretical knowledge and ensure learning is a tactile experience. |
Unit 3 (Optional) Or Unit 4 (Optional) | Experimenting to Solve Food Production Problems Or Current Issues in Food Science and Nutrition Studying one of the two optional units will allow learners the opportunity to study subjects of particular interest or relevance to them, building on previous learning and experiences. The unit will also enable learners to learn in such a way that they develop: • skills required for independent learning and development • skills to ensure their own dietary health and well being • a range of generic and transferable skills • the ability to solve problems • the skills of project based research, development and presentation • the ability to apply mathematical and ICT skills • the fundamental ability to work alongside other professionals, in a professional environment • the ability to apply learning in vocational contexts |
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