Subject Leader
Mr B Povey –
Teaching Staff
Mrs M Sayfoo –
Mr W Taylor –
Mrs C Carter –

“The Business of Business is People” – Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines
Curriculum Intent
Throughout their journey from Year 10 to Year 13 we aim to provide a sophisticated Business education that will continue to give students a coherent and rich knowledge and understanding of how Businesses operate in ever changing environment. But our prime aspiration is to develop students’ knowledge, and skills, providing them the ‘tools’ to make analytical evaluations on how a variety of businesses in many different industries can succeed, despite the constant challenges faced.
Our learning curriculum has been designed to achieve five key aims:
- Drive the core skills and build confidence across key stages in the areas that will make students successful in the subject – Analytical and evaluative thinking, and data analysis.
- Ensure seamless transition between key stage 4 and 5 to create more independent learners.
- Experience the ever-changing Business environment inside and beyond the classroom.
- Engage and support students of all abilities to become successful in the subject.
- Inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs.
GCSE Business (AQA)
GCSE Business helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of key business concept’s and give the students the opportunity to explore real business issues and how businesses work. The clear and straightforward structure to our new specification will support your teaching and students’ learning.
Students will consider the practical application of business concepts. The units provide opportunities to explore theories and concepts in the most relevant way, through the context of events in the business and economic world.
Students apply their knowledge and understanding to different business contexts ranging from small enterprises to large multinationals and businesses operating in local, national and global contexts. Students develop an understanding of how these contexts impact on business behaviour. Students will apply their knowledge and understanding to business decision making including:
- the interdependent nature of business activity
- influences on business
- business operations, finance
- marketing and human resources
- and how these interdependencies underpin business decision making
- how different business contexts affect business decisions
- the use and limitation of quantitative and qualitative data in making business decisions.
Students will learn to:
- draw on the knowledge and understanding
- use business terminology to identify and explain business activity
- apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts
- develop problem solving and decision making skills relevant to business
- investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues
- make justified decisions using both qualitative and quantitative data including its selection, interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and the application of appropriate quantitative skills
AQA GCSE Business Definition of Progress
This specification requires students to:
- draw on the knowledge and understanding
- use business terminology to identify and explain business activity
- apply business concepts to familiar and unfamiliar contexts
- develop problem solving and decision-making skills relevant to business
- investigate, analyse and evaluate business opportunities and issues
- make justified decisions using both qualitative and quantitative data including its selection, interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and the application of appropriate quantitative skills
The GCSE exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives:
- AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues.
- AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of business concepts and issues to a variety of contexts.
- AO3: Analyse and evaluate business information and issues to demonstrate understanding of business activity, make judgements and draw conclusions.
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 |
Year 10 | ||
3.1 Business in the real world 3.2 Influences on business | 3.3 Business operations | 3.4 Human Resources |
Students will learn about the purpose of business activity, the role of business enterprise and entrepreneurship, and the dynamic nature of business. Students need to be aware of the impact business in the real world has on the four functional areas of business. They will also learn the importance of external influences on business and how businesses change in response to these influences. | Students should understand the interdependent nature of business operations, human resources, marketing and finance. Students should be able to give examples of how business objectives would be split into functional plans with clear links throughout. What business operations involve, their role within the production of goods and the provision of services, and how they influence business activity | Students should understand the interdependent nature of business operations, human resources, marketing and finance. Students should be able to give examples of how business objectives would be split into functional plans with clear links throughout. The purpose of human resources, its role within business and how it influences business activity. |
Year 11 | ||
3.5 Marketing | 3.6. Finance | Revision |
Students should understand the interdependent nature of business operations, human resources, marketing and finance. Students should be able to give examples of how business objectives would be split into functional plans with clear links throughout. | Students should understand the interdependent nature of business operations, human resources, marketing and finance. Students should be able to give examples of how business objectives would be split into functional plans with clear links throughout. The purpose of the finance function, its role within business and how it influences business activity. | You will engage in structured revision and regular exam practice across the two examined papers. |
Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
The Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing is aimed at students aged 14-16, studying a Key Stage 4 curriculum, who wish to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in enterprise and marketing. It is designed to sit alongside other GCSEs and contains both practical and theoretical elements, which will prepare students for further study of qualifications in enterprise, marketing, or business. The Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing is graded pass, merit and distinction for Level 1 and pass, merit, distinction, and distinction* for Level 2.
You may be interested in this if you want an engaging qualification where you will use your learning in practical, real-life situations, such as:
- Carrying out market research
- Planning a new product and pitching it to a panel of experts
- Reviewing whether a business proposal is financially viable
The qualification contains practical activities that build on theoretical knowledge so that you can put your learning into practice while also developing valuable transferable skills such as:
- Verbal Communication/Presentation
- Research
- Analytical Skills
- Digital Presentation
Students will study three units across the two years which include the following…
Unit R067: Enterprise and Marketing concepts | External Exam |
Unit R068: Design a Business Proposal | NEA (Coursework) |
Unit R069: Market and Pitch a Business Proposal | NEA (Coursework) |
On completing the level 2 qualification students could go on to study the Cambridge technical Level 3 qualification in Sixth form.
A-Level Business (AQA)
These qualifications offers an engaging and effective introduction to Business. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by higher education and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and evaluation.
Assessments continue to employ a variety of familiar question types, including short answer and extended writing/essays, which target:
- Knowledge and understanding
- Application
- Analysis and evaluation
The specification appeals to a cross-section of students, regardless of whether they have studied the subject before. They build on skills develop, and enable progression into a wide range of other subjects.
The A-Level exams will measure how students have achieved the following assessment objectives:
- AO1: Demonstrate knowledge of terms, concepts, theories, methods and models to show an understanding of how individuals and organisations are affected by and respond to business issues.
- AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding to various business contexts to show how individuals and organisations are affected by and respond to issues.
- AO3: Analyse issues within business, showing an understanding of the impact on individuals and organisations of external and internal influences.
- AO4: Evaluate quantitative and qualitative information to make informed judgements and propose evidence-based solutions to business issues.
Paper | What's Assessed | Assessment |
Paper 1: (All content) |
| 2 hour written exam 100 marks 33.3% of A-level |
Paper 2: (All content) | All of the above | 2 hour written exam 100 marks 33.3% of A-level |
Paper 3: (All content) | All of the above | 2 hour written exam 100 marks 33.3% of A-level |
Business Cambridge Technical Award Level 3
We are excited to offer a new vocational course for students starting Oriel Sixth Form in September 2020. You will learn how a business might evolve from a small start-up business to a large multinational organisation, you will consider a range of different business types and gain an understanding of how the choice of business type might affect the objectives that are set. You will also look at the internal workings of businesses, including their internal structure and how different functional areas work together. Plus, by looking at the external constraints under which a business must operate, you will gain an understanding of the legal, financial and ethical factors that have an impact. You will also explore ways in which businesses respond to changes in their economic, social and technological environment; and gain an appreciation of the influence different stakeholders can have upon a business.
Why study this course?
The business world places a high value on the ability to research, analyse and evaluate information in order to make considered decisions and you will have the opportunity to gain these vital skills. Alongside this you will develop practical employability skills, including the ability to communicate effectively with both internal and external stakeholders, and to manage your time effectively.
What are my course options?
Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate in Business
- equivalent to one A Level
- 10 hours across a 2 week timetable
Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma in Business – Marketing Pathway
- equivalent to two A Levels
- 10 hours across a 2 week timetable (in addition to 10 hours for the certificate)
What will I study?
Unit | How it is assessed | Students |
The business environment | External examination | All students |
Working in business | External examination | All students |
Business decisions | External examination | Diploma students |
Customers and Communication | Internal Coursework | All students |
Marketing and Market Research | Internal Coursework | All students |
Marketing Strategy | Internal Coursework | Diploma students |
Marketing Campaign | Internal Coursework | Diploma students |
Change Management | External examination | Diploma students |
Principles of Project Management | Internal Coursework | All students |
Delivering a business project | Internal Coursework | Diploma students |
Learning Outside the Classroom
In Year 13 we offer students the opportunity to attend Business workshops in London to support them with their examinations. We also encourage wider reading and discuss in the classroom what we have discovered in the Business world.