
If parents have any questions or concerns about the examination then our exams officer Mrs de Valmency can be contacted via e-mail jdevalmency@oriel.w-sussex.sch.uk

Please note that we are unable to accommodate private candidates at Oriel.

Results Day Guidance

Exam Dates 2024

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have now published the common exam timetable for this summer’s GCSE and VTQ examination series. This has now allowed us to finalise some key dates for our exam students.

Date of first GCSE examination on the common timetable: 9th May 2024

Date of last GCSE examination on the common timetable: 20th June 2024

Exam contingency day in the event of national or local disruption 26th June 2024

Exam Contingency Days 2024

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For example, summer exams could be affected by extremely high temperatures.

For the June 2024 exams, the awarding bodies have therefore introduced two additional half-day contingency sessions. These are on Thursday 6 June 2024 and Thursday 13 June 2024. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on Wednesday 26 June 2024.

Candidates must remain available until Wednesday 26 June 2024 should examinations need to be rescheduled.

Year 10 & 12 Mock Timetable

Exam Information

To view our policy for Access arrangements

All students should read our “Student Guide to Exams” booklet below:

Top tips for coping with exam pressure:

Coping with exam pressure – a guide for students – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Using Social Media in examinations/assessments:

JCQ Social Media Infographic v4

All JCQ Information for candidates documents should be accessed and read here https://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/information-for-candidates-documents

Exam Specification Pencil Cases

These can be purchased from the school reception at the cost of £3.

Replacement certificates

If you cannot locate your certificates, you will need to contact the individual exam boards directly –

Pearson/Edexcel https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/Services/replacement-certificates.html

AQA https://www.aqa.org.uk/contact-us/past-results-and-lost-certificates

OCR https://www.ocr.org.uk/students/replacement-certificates/

Eduqas (WJEC) https://www.eduqas.co.uk/students/exams-and-results/certificates

Useful Links

GCSE Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/

Top tips for exam preparation this summer