Pastoral Care
“Pupils greatly enjoy coming to school. They love being part of Oriel’s ‘purple army’ and they wear their uniform with pride. Pupils described their school as ‘warming’ because it has a community feel. Pupils and teachers get on extremely well; we saw them chatting happily together in lessons and around the school. Pupils value and take care of their learning environment.” – Ofsted, 2019

Our Pastoral Care of our students is second to none. When the student joins the school they are placed in one of four Learning Communities. These communities are named;

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • The Americas
  • Australasia

Each Learning Community has a team of dedicated staff who act as mentors for the students as well as a pastoral co-ordinator and Pastoral Leaders. Each Learning Community is led by a Head of Learning Community. Your Learning Community pastoral contacts are listed below. Please contact the Pastoral Co-ordinators initially.


Mrs B Williams – Head of Learning Community

Miss K Catterick – Deputy Head of Learning Community

Mrs J Burchell – Pastoral Co-ordinator


Mr R Pullin – Head of Learning Community

Mr F Salle – Deputy Head of Learning Community

Mrs J Taylor – Pastoral Co-ordinator


Mr S Jones – Head of Learning Community

Mr L Taft – Deputy Head of Learning Community

Miss L Butler – Pastoral Co-ordinator


Mr B Cleaveley – Head of Learning Community

Mr A James – Deputy Head of Learning Community

Mrs E Bradbury – Pastoral Co-ordinator

The students remain in their Learning Community for five years from Years 7 to 11. Each Mentor group consists of students from Years 7 to 11, this is one of the unique strengths of our school.

Our younger students immediately feel confident and secure in the company of older students who look out for their younger fellow mentees. Our vertical pastoral structure enables our younger students to flourish much more quickly due to the considerate, respectful and caring relationship that exists between the older and younger students.